
Imagine | Play

29 August 2023

Accessible only for Registered Users.

For adults only

An artistic journey into the world of counterculture, the times of identity and cultural revolution at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s. Krystian Lupa used the lyrics of “Imagine” by John Lennon as a starting point and he asks a question about the liveliness of utopias in today’s world, in which spirituality has become commercialized or politicized and humanistic values, human rights, equality and personal freedom have been devaluated. 

The director comes back to the psychological and spiritual New Age phenomenon and the life and creation of John Lennon, who as a “new Christ” of the hippie era suggested imagining a world without wars, countries and borders, without hate and ownership, but also without religion. 

Do New Age visions sound purely naive in our times? Is faith in an endless evolution of humanity and metaphysics a  fantasy or an eternal need of mankind? Why did the pacifistic idea fail so quickly in the 70s? Does the need for a spiritual transformation enhance in times of a crisis?

Audio: PL
Subtitles: EN, FR, DE, IT, PT, ES, HR, SE.

direction and scenography: Krystian Lupa
script: Krystian Lupa & collective creation of actors

music: Bogumił Misala

costumes: Piotr Skiba

production manager: Michalina Dement-Żemła/Karolina Pawłoś

video: Joanna Kakitek, Natan Berkowicz

director’s assistants and dramaturgy collaboration: Dawid Kot

director’s assistants: Jan Kamiński

costume collaboration: Aleksandra Harasimowicz

stage manager: Iza Stolarska

cast: Karolina Adamczyk, Grzegorz Artman, Michał Czachor, Anna Ilczuk, Andrzej Kłak, Michał Lacheta, Mateusz Łasowski, Karina Seweryn, Piotr Skiba, Ewa Skibińska, Julian Świeżewski, Marta Zięba.

Co-production of Powszechny Theater in Warsaw and Powszechny Theater in Łódź.

The show is realized within the "Prospero. Extended Theater" international project, thanks to the support of
the “Creative Europe” program of the European Union.

We would like to thank ATM System for renting equipment for recording film materials for the performance.

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