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Fraternity, a fantastic tale | Play

09 October 2022

Once upon a time the story of a humanity that had lost half of itself and who decided to erect a place solely for the purpose of awaiting the return of the departed. In this place, women and men would constantly scan the sky, because it had all begun the day that the sun had disappeared behind the moon. They had come together to watch the eclipse, excited, unsuspecting. It lasted 4 minutes… 4 long minutes... ! The world was bathed in a sort of strange twilight… Right in the middle of the afternoon… And when at last it was over, and the sun had reappeared, the women, the men, their children… they all looked around them… and what they discovered shook them to the core… Half of their neighbours were no longer there. Half of all humanity had vanished…

Audio: FR

Subtitles: FR, ES, HU, PL, IT, PT, SE, EN, DE

Text Caroline Guiela Nguyen with the whole artistic team
Director Caroline Guiela Nguyen

Dan Artus, Saadi Bahri, Boutaïna El Fekkak, Hoonaz Ghojallu, Maïmouna Keita, Elios Noël, Nanii, Alix Petris, Saaphyra, Vasanth Selvam, Anh Tran Nghia, Hiep Tran Nghia, Mahia Zrouki

Filmed in Rennes, Théâtre National de Bretagne

Direction & editing Julien Béchara
Ozango Productions

Artistic collaboration Claire Calvi
Set design Alice Duchange
costumes Benjamin Moreau
Lighting Jérémie Papin
Sound and music production Antoine Richard
Video creation Jérémie Scheidler
Dramaturgy Hugo Soubise, Manon Worms
Original music Teddy Gauliat-Pitois, Antoine Richard

Casting collaboration Lola Diane
Collaboration to the sound realization Orane Duclos
Assistant to the sound director Thibaut Farineau
Collaboration to the light creation Mathilde Chamoux
Assistant to the video creation Marina Masquelier
Vocal coaching Myriam Djemour
Memo" design Sébastien Puech
Painting Magali Poutoux
Studio music Quatuor Alternatif : Laura Al Tinaoui, Aurélie Métivier, Lydie Lefebvre, Mathieu Schmaltz
Performers Fabio Godinho (English), Camille Hummel (English), Cao Nguyen (Vietnamese)

Set construction Atelier du Grand T - Théâtre de Loire-Atlantique

Costume design Ateliers du Théâtre de Liège with the support of the Atelier du Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Show created on July 07, 2022 during the 75th edition of the Avignon Festival

Production Les Hommes Approximatifs
Delegated production Les Hommes Approximatifs and le Festival d'Avignon

National coproduction Odéon Théâtre de l'Europe, ExtraPôle Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, La Comédie - CDN de Reims, Théâtre National de Bretagne, Théâtre National de Strasbourg, Châteauvallon scène nationale, Théâtre de l'Union - CDN du Limousin, Théâtre Olympia CDN de Tours, MC2 : Grenoble, La Criée - Théâtre national de Marseille, Le Grand T théâtre de Loire-Atlantique, Célestins - Théâtre de Lyon, Comédie de Colmar - CDN Grand Est Alsace, La rose des vents - Scène nationale Lille Métropole Villeneuve d'Ascq, Le Parvis - Scène nationale Tarbes Pyrénées, Théâtre National de Nice, Théâtre du Beauvaisis - Scène nationale.
International coproduction PROSPERO - Extended Theatre, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Théâtre de Liège, Les théâtres de la ville de Luxembourg, Centro Dramatico Nacional - Madrid, Dramaten - Stockholm, Schaubühne - Berlin, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II - Lisbon, Thalia Theater - Hamburg, RomaEuropa Festival
With the exceptional support of the DGCA
With the participation of the Jeune théâtre National, the French Institute in Paris and Ensatt

© Les Hommes Approximatifs- Ozango- 2022

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